Matcha Chocolate Chip Muffins

These delightful matcha chocolate chip muffins are made with only all-natural, plant-based ingredients! They're rich, and bursting with flavor. The aroma and combination of matcha and bittersweet chocolate chips is a match made in heaven that will fill your kitchen leaving you craving for more. The high-quality matcha powder used in this recipe also brings out the vivid and rich color of matcha, making these muffins not only delicious but also visually stunning! Whether you're a matcha lover or just looking for a delicious treat, these matcha chocolate chip muffins are sure to become your next favorite thing!



For 6 jumbo-sized muffins

Wet ingredients

  • 1 flax egg - 2 tbsp flaxseeds + 5 tbsp water 

  • 2.1 oz (60g) soy milk

  • 14.8 oz (420g) coconut cream (1.5 cans chilled overnight)

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

Dry ingredients

  • 6.7 oz (190g) superfine white rice flour 

  • 1.4 oz (40g) tapioca flour

  • 1.4 oz (40g) white sorghum flour 

  • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp baking powder

  • 3 tbsp + 2 tsp matcha powder (culinary)

  • 6.7 oz (190g) cane sugar

  • 1 + 1/4 tsp (7g) natural sea salt

  • 3.8 oz (110g) chocolate chips (85g for mixing, 25g for topping)


  1. Chill 2 cans of coconut cream overnight.

  2. Prepare the flax egg and set aside for 30 minutes.

  3. Line the muffin pan with paper liners and set aside. 


  1. Cut a hole into the solidified coconut cream and drain all the liquid. Transfer 420g of solidified coconut cream to a glass bowl.

  2. Prepare a pan of hot water and place the glass bowl with the coconut cream into the pan and gently stir to melt.

  3. Add the soy milk, flax egg, and vanilla extract to the bowl of coconut cream and mix until smooth.

  4. In a separate bowl, combine and mix the rice flour, tapioca flour, white sorghum flour, cane sugar, salt, and matcha powder.

  5. Add the combined bowl of wet ingredients to the bowl of dry ingredients and mix until smooth.

  6. Preheat the oven to 350°F.

  7. Add 85g of chocolate chips and baking powder into the combined mixture and mix thoroughly.

  8. Transfer the batter to the paper liners then sprinkle with chocolate chips on top.

  9. Bake for 40 minutes and transfer to a cooling rack. Pass a wooden skewer into a muffin to check that it’s fully baked.

*These muffins can last about 5 days in the refrigerator. Since the muffins will harden a bit, you can also steam them for about 2 minutes to make them soft and fluffy.











  • フラックスシード大さじ2+水大さじ5(60g)

  • 米粉… 190g

  • タピオカ粉 ... 40g

  • ホワイトソルガム粉 ... 40g

  • 豆乳… 60g

  • ココナッツクリーム ... 420g(水分と分離後のクリーム部分のみ)

  • ベーキングパウダー… 大さじ1(10.5)+小さじ1(14g)

  • 抹茶 ... 18g(大さじ3)+小さじ2(4g)

  • きび糖 ... 190g

  • 自然塩 ... 小さじ1+1/4(7g)

  • バニラエクストラクト ... 小さじ2

  • チョコチップ(Vegan) ... 85g+トッピングに25g


  1. ココナッツミルク缶を冷蔵庫で冷やす。(冬は12時間、夏は24時間以上)

  2. フラックスシードと水を合わせて、30分以上おきます。

  3. 型に紙をしきます。


  1. ココナッツクリーム缶の水抜きをし、クリーム部分だけを取り出します。

  2. クリームを湯煎しながらなめらかになるよう混ぜます。

    ※ 湯煎はココナッツクリームを溶かし柔らかくすることが目的です。

  3. 豆乳、バニラエクストラクト、ジェル状になったフラックスエッグを加え、混ぜ合わせます。

  4. 別のボウルで、粉類(米粉、タピオカ粉、ホワイトソルガム粉、抹茶、自然塩)を合わせます。

  5. オーブンを350°Fに予熱します。

  6. 粉類と液体を一つのボウルで合わせて、よく混ぜます。

  7. チョコチップとベーキングパウダーも加え、手早く混ぜます。

  8. 型に流し、トッピング用のチョコをのせて、350℉のオーブンでベイクします。





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