Tsubu-an (Whole red bean paste)

Have you ever had Japanese sweets with red bean paste? The red bean paste is called Anko and is a favorable filling in traditional Japanese confectionary and pastry. The paste is made with azuki beans and is quite simple to make right at home! Here is the recipe to make the chunky version referred to as tsubuan. The beans are not fully “mashed” although some of them are crushed or mashed during cooking. I usually make Tsubuan because I prefer the texture and it’s also very easy to make!


Tsubu-an (Whole sweet red bean paste)

Vegan, Gluten-free, Nut-free, Oil-free, Soy-free

  • 8.8 oz (250g) azuki beans

  • 4 cups (1000g) water - 4 times the amount of azuki beans

  • 8.8 oz (250g) sugar*

  • 1/4 tsp baking soda**

  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt

*I used cane sugar, which is healthier than white sugar. The appearance of the red bean paste is partly determined by the sugar, so I recommend using healthy sugar and not reducing the amount by too much.

** Baking soda helps to soften the azuki beans faster.


  • Large pot that can hold at least 8 cups of water, bowl, sieve and spatula.


To remove the astringency from the red beans

  1. Rinse the azuki beans

  2. Add the azuki beans and water to a large pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

  3. Once it starts to boil, reduce to medium heat and boil for 5 minutes.

  4. Turn off the heat and add cold water (the same amount of water that is remaining in the pot) to lower the temperature.

  5. Discard about half of the hot water in the pot so it is around the same amount of water before adding the cold water.

  6. Turn on the heat to bring it to a boil and repeat steps 3-5

  7. Repeat steps 3-5 for a total of 3 times


  1. In a clean pot add the boiled azuki beans add plenty of water to cover the beans by 1-2 inches, and heat over high heat until it starts to boil.

  2. Add baking soda and set to medium heat.

  3. Boil for about 30 minutes until the azuki beans are tender and turn off the heat. (Pick up a bean and mash it with your fingers. When it mashes easily, it's done.)

  4. Drain the azuki beans in a sieve (you can discard the liquid)

  5. Return the drained azuki beans to the pot, add half of the sugar, mix, and heat over medium heat. 

  6. When the sugar has dissolved, add the remaining sugar and boil until the liquid evaporates

  7. Finally, add salt to finish.






  • 小豆 ... 250g

  • 水 ... 1,000g(小豆の4倍の量)

  • きび糖 ... 250g*

  • 重曹 ... 小さじ1/4**

  • 自然塩 ... 小さじ1/4

* 餡子は砂糖で決まるところもあるので、砂糖は良いものを選び、量はあまり減らさないで作ってください。

** 重曹を入れるのは、小豆を早く柔らかくするためです。重曹を入れない場合は、茹で時間を長めにしてください。


  • 大きな鍋(初めの小豆と水を足した量の、倍以上の容量があるもの)

  • ボウル

  • ザル

  • ヘラやスパチュラ



  1. 洗った小豆と水を大きな鍋に入れ、強火で沸騰させます。沸騰したら中火に落とし、そこから5分茹でます。

  2. 一旦火を止め、残った茹で汁と同量ぐらいの冷水を一気に鍋に入れ、温度を60℃以下に下げます。

  3. 鍋の湯を半分ぐらい捨てます。(冷水を入れる前の水の量になるように)

  4. 再び沸騰させ、⑴〜⑶を繰り返します。

  5. さらにもう一度⑴~⑶を繰り返して、渋切りは終了です。


  1. 渋切りを済ませた小豆をきれいなお鍋に入れ、たっぷりの水を入れ、沸騰するまで強火にかけます。

  2. 沸騰したら重曹を入れて**中火にし、小豆が柔らかくなるまで20~30分ほど茹でて火を止めます。(指で潰れるぐらいの固さ)

  3. ボウルにザルをのせ、小豆をザルにあけます。(煮汁は使いません)

  4. 汁を切った小豆を鍋に戻し、砂糖の半量を加えて中火にかけます。ヘラで混ぜながら煮詰めていきます。

  5. 最初の砂糖が溶けたら残りの砂糖を加え、さらに煮詰めて水気を飛ばし、火を止めます。

  6. 最後に塩を加え、味を引き締めて完成です。


Sweet Potato Mini Tart with Red Bean Paste


Kimchi Noodles